Tuesday, August 23, 2016

August 2016 -- Did You Miss Me?

Last month was the first month I missed putting out a newsletter since I started back in February of 2012.   I have been moving and remodeling and I suppose that is an excuse, but it really isn't.  Just having too much fun carpentering and too tired by the end of the day, I guess.  At any rate, I am back in the saddle with Music News You Can Use.

First up is to tell you about the 2016 Kate Wolf Music festival, which was amazing as usual.  (And no, it was not too hot.)  The line-up was phenomenal and I did not see all the acts - with four stages going, that was impossible.

Saw the Brothers Comatose for the first time.  I had heard about them for years and they are a stand out; good songs, great arrangements, blazing musicianship and a lot of fun.  Enjoy this and put them on your must-see list.  

Put Las Cafeteras on it also; exuberant show, infectious grooves and inspiring lyrics. And also, John Craigie a quintessential solo singer songwriter story teller.   I am so impressed by someone who can hold an audience all by themselves.  Like this.  And finally, I got to see Linda Tillery in person.  Wonderful !!

Folks I had seen before, who deserve your attention include:  The Wood Brothers, absolutely unique, finely crafted music;  Ruthie Foster, gorgeous voice, such charm and authenticity; and Chris Smither, master song smither indeed.

Right here in Santa Rosa and in step with the political season, I saw Roy Zimmerman at Robin Pressman's house concert.  He is funny, with a brutal wit.   Here and hear.


And please SAVE THE DATE !!  I am very excited to tell you that Susan Reeves is coming  up from Santa Barbara, and on September 23rd, Reeves 'n Zat will be playing with the Quake City Jug Band at the Monkey House in Berkeley.  Here is one of my favorite Susan songs. Susan's daughter Sierra, a fine singer in her own right (here), will be coming up also, and I am hoping that she will join in on a few songs.  Hope you can join us. 

More shows on my website, of course:  www.royzat.com

So what is up on your side of the fence?

Roy Zat