Big news indeed!! I just bought a
house in Santa Rosa . The months of
searching high and low paid off. Here
are views of the front and side looking out at the view. Very pretty spot, and almost a third of an
acre with room for a croquet court, garden, orchard, racoons, wild
turkeys and no doubt, gophers.

From Berkeley we head to Monterey with Kiki Wow, and then to California's Central Coast for a couple
of dates with Steve Key's Songwriters At Play, and we finish up on Wednesday
the 25th, in South
Pasadena at Brad
Colerick's Wine & Song. All the
details are here.
Last month, I was back in Washington
DC checking up on my grandson and his parents. He will celebrate his first birthday at the
end of this month, and is showing great potential as a drummer. He likes to bang on things. His parents are a bit sleep deprived but otherwise coping very well
Hope you are doing well too, and
if you have a minute to let me know what you are up to, I always enjoy that.
Very best,
Roy Zat
PS you may have noticed the new email address: Mail Chimp made me do
it for this newsletter.