I mentioned
briefly in my last newsletter that I am starting a songwriter series at Studio 55 in San Rafael . I need a
descriptive, engaging, and yes, even enticing name for this series. So, let's have a contest !! The winner gets four free tickets to the
inaugural show, plus a big thank you from the stage, and in my newsletter.
A little more information to
help you with naming ideas: Studio 55 is
one of the best listening rooms I know of in the SF Bay Area. Sort of an updated version of the old
Freight & Salvage; about the same size; intimate and with exquisite sound run by the same
folks who do the new Freight's sound. Wine,
beer, tea, coffee and snacks are available. Easy
to get to and easy parking. In short, it
is a fine place to go out to for live acoustic music.
Now that I have your idea machine starting to churn, I have to tell you that some really good names are taken: Steve Key's
Songwriters At Play and Brad Colerick's Wine & Song Concert Series to
mention two, and who wouldn't want to come out for play, wine and song!?
So email me your suggestions, as many as you want. If two or more people suggest the same
winning name, the first one to me gets the prize, the other will get a bottle of wine and honorable mention. We'll make a decision by May 1st and we'll
have our first show June 18th -- mark your calendar.
Other news: I have a show with Keith Alan Mitchell and Amber Ikeman at the Octopus Literary Salon in Oakland on March 19th. Both are fine writers and talented
singers; and it is an honor to be sharing the evening with them. Listen to a couple of songs (here & here) to whet your appetite, and join us if you can. After that, I am headed down to Santa Barbara to rehearse with Susan Marie Reeves for our May Reeves 'n Zat tour. Check out my website for more show info and
A BIG THANKS to Ken Frankel and the folks at Studio 55 for their support of my new songwriter series.
I am excited and looking forward to everyone's ideas for a great title for the series !!
Roy Zat